Personal projects
Monorepo that I use for most of my TypeScript projects.
Design patterns
Implementation of some of the most common design patterns in Python.
Eleventy plugin to automatically embed images hosted on your Cloudinary Media Library.
FOSDEM Downloader
babashka script to download talks and attachments from the 2003-2020 FOSDEM websites.
Game of life
Conway’s Game of Life implemented in Clojure and Quil.
Path tracer
Unbiased Monte Carlo path tracer implemented in zig, based on the one described in Peter Shirley’s book Ray Tracing in One Weekend.
Reddit DataViz Battle April 2019
My entry for the data visualization battle of April 2019 on r/dataisbeautiful (I got a honorable mention).
Three.js ES6 Webpack starter
Three.js ES6 starter project with a sane webpack configuration.
checkers implemented in WebAssembly text format (WAT).
Zig fmt web
Little demo site that shows how to compile Zig for wasm, and run
zig fmt
in a wasm module.